Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Will be back in September

you should write!

c/o icicle seafoods
PO Box 30 Larsen Bay, AK

Saturday, May 17, 2008


It's my birthday today. AND IT IS ALSO THE BIRTHDAY OF BOB SAGET. We went to the street fair. It is a million degrees and we are dying of heat stroke. Just my brother called to say happy birthday. He's a good kid, he called me from a payphone from somewhere near the Canadian border just to wish me happy birthday. Jesse's gone to get me a birthday cake. Gary gave me a card with those digusting Wiggles on it and he's going to take me to see Indiana Jones at midnight the day I leave. That is exciting! Jade called last night and we talked for about 3 hours it seemed like. Other than that, It's just hot and I'm trying to pack my goddamn suitcase.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Paddle Plant

I worked all day on this painting- I think it turned out pretty good. It's Jesse's dad in Alaska in the 70's. The photo is not that blurry but for some reason my camera can't take a picture of a picture. If it were clearer, you'd see that I've altered his expression from stoned to maniacal.